For the first time, renowned denim artist Ian Berry is exhibiting in Turkey. The show “Beyond Denim” opened it...
Glenn Martens has been revealed as the next designer to take on a collaboration with H&M. The Belgian creative...
Y2K could finally be in the rearview—again. Another era is poised for a comeback, however, according to Lee Je...
A new collaboration between Telfar and Ugg gives cool and cozy vibes. The New York City-based label and Decke...
Copenhagen Fashion Week is becoming bigger and more impressive every year. This time around there was a large ...
The forecast at Copenhagen Fashion Week might call for cloudy skies and rain, but the gloom isn’t stopping str...
Muji is taking a step forward to help close the loop. The Japanese retailer is partnering with Cotton Incorpor...
Ever Evolving Talks by Calik Denim made its successful post-corona comeback on Tuesday April 22 at Theater Ams...
The denim industry is always moving. Especially when it comes to trends and developments. Some are just here f...
150+ Years of Jeans Usage Since jeans is born we have seen many changes over time in this historical garmen...
Denim is Everywhere and Everywhere Is Denim Since the story of denim started, for most people the starting ...