Digital Fashion 101, with expert Moin Roberts-Islam

June 01 2022
Digital Fashion 101, with expert Moin Roberts-Islam
Have you bought digital garments for your avatar yet? Would you like to? You need to listen to this! Moin Roberts-Islam is the Technology Development Manager at the Fashion Innovation Agency, at the London College of Fashion, and he’s here to answer all our questions on how digital fashion works, why it’s exploding, what brands are doing, how gaming is involved, who is buying digital garments and why. Plus we discuss the metaverse and NFTs, and how all this relates to sustainability.

Have you bought digital garments for your avatar yet? Would you like to? You need to listen to this! Moin Roberts-Islam is the Technology Development Manager at the Fashion Innovation Agency, at the London College of Fashion, and he’s here to answer all our questions on how digital fashion works, why it’s exploding, what brands are doing, how gaming is involved, who is buying digital garments and why. Plus we discuss the metaverse and NFTs, and how all this relates to sustainability. Read more on

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